Little Lecca Co.
Be Happy-Go-Lucky! 無憂無慮,樂在一起!
在Little Lecca Co.,我們相信每個人都有自己的內在小孩。我們希望通過這個卡通形象能激發出你內在的童真。無論我們是年青還是成人,我們都有自己的夢想。夢想每天都快樂。 夢想有一天能改變世界。由於我們所處的社會和環境,我們經常忘記去追尋自己的夢想。我們的團隊希望你透過Little Lecca轉達堅持追尋自己的夢想。將自己的夢想變成現實需要一定 的運氣,因此,讓我們像Little Lecca一樣“無憂無慮,樂在一起”吧!做你”最甜蜜的幸運星”。
At Little Lecca Co, we would like this character to bring out your inner child. Whether we are young or old, we all have our own dream. Dream to be happy each day. Dream to change the world one day. Our team would like to use this character to communicate
to others to keep persisting in following your dream. Turning your dream into reality will need some luck along the way. So let’s ‘Be Happy-Go-Lucky!’ like Little Lecca, The Sweetest Lucky Charm.